• Joop van Brakel: wegwerpmuziek om te bewaren
  • Van Brakel, ook uw antitainer !!!
  • Ab Heute, Joop van Brakel, Waste Management en meer
  • muziek is voor 20% trillende lucht en voor 80% identificatie

The Rubber

no camouflage or rental chick
could have concealed his mindset
combat boots and battle dress:
guerilla in my sack !

i come here as a friend he said
i heard him say these words before
my best friend, too, is self-declared
but he is not a rubber!

he built a thunderstorm
from clouds he found on my brow
he made it pour and caused a flood
and made it look like blubber

i tried to read his mind
did this include a drowning ?
and as he peddled leisurely
i wondered who that was

i call him The Rubber
Chief Itch And Rub
he rubs like no other
he’ll never give up

he’ll use ‘em on you
elbow and thumb
he’ll rub and he’ll rub
until it gets numb

he’ll rub it some more
rub till it hurts
he’ll rub it again
till it gets sore

he’ll rub and he’ll rub
rub till you bleed
rub to the bone
rub to the beat
rub to the bone
rub to the beat

he  cut me a new asshole
Said i was flubbing the dub, flubbing the dub

i drifted as i mused
you know me, how i drift the way i do

behind my back he got inside of me
making me the oilskin to keep him out of the rain

killing time in my tub
stretching my hydraulic definition of kind turn

wet thing to remember:
friends we make in heavy weather will be heavy friends

he makes me wear wet failure socks
squeezing my poor moldy guts for some paltry sparks           

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