• Joop van Brakel: wegwerpmuziek om te bewaren
  • Van Brakel, ook uw antitainer !!!
  • Ab Heute, Joop van Brakel, Waste Management en meer
  • muziek is voor 20% trillende lucht en voor 80% identificatie

What I Like About You (Booby Twist)

i’m crazy ‘bout your booby twist
whatever that may be
it makes me squirm
rotate and turn
it makes me want to be
a main part in your booby twist
whatever that may be
i’m mad about your booby twist
and what it does to me

i’m crazy ‘bout your booby twist
whatever that may be
it makes me smile
it makes me grin
it makes me like the shape I’m in
i owe that to your booby twist
whatever that may be
i bet a self-fulfilling guess
that booby twist is me

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