• Joop van Brakel: wegwerpmuziek om te bewaren
  • Van Brakel, ook uw antitainer !!!
  • Ab Heute, Joop van Brakel, Waste Management en meer
  • muziek is voor 20% trillende lucht en voor 80% identificatie

Square Wheels

though we’re both into propulsion
and share a love for far-off places
riding the same bus in different streets

we’ve come along way baby, a long way baby

but we’re so tired of trying to make those square wheels roll
but we’re so tired of trying to make those square wheels roll

friends come see us by the road side
towing the wrecks with good intentions

friends come see us by the road side
injecting new hope from forgotten supplies

we’ve come a long way baby, a long way baby
they too, can’t  make our square wheels roll
but we’re so tired of trying to make those square wheels roll

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