• Joop van Brakel: wegwerpmuziek om te bewaren
  • Van Brakel, ook uw antitainer !!!
  • Ab Heute, Joop van Brakel, Waste Management en meer
  • muziek is voor 20% trillende lucht en voor 80% identificatie

Me Today

what’s that thing
hanging onto my head ?
it’s me body
yes me body !

what’s that thing
up my chest ?
it’s me head
me very head !

i’ve seen versions of these
smaller versions
slimmer versions
none of which i could trap
passing on to the next

so i call them all me
older versions
recent versions
they’re all gone except one
it’s ejecting this text

now i look a myself
naked versions
dressed up versions
and progression i see
wears the mask of decay

as my past life expands
growing longer
always longer
and my future life shrinks

i am only today
me is only today
me is only today

(repeat until kindom come)

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